The Technology Acceptance of Intelligent Silaturrahmi-based Collaboration Gamification Mechanic (ISb-GM) in Small Medium Enterprise

Fitri Marisa, Arie Restu Wardhani, Wiwin Purnomowati, Mardiana Andarwati, Affi Nizar Suksmawati

© 2023 Fitri Marisa, published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Citation Information: SAR Journal. Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 196-206, ISSN 2619-9955,, September 2023.

Received: 31 July 2023.
Revised:   01 September 2023.
Accepted: 06 September 2023.
Published: 26 September 2023.


This study evaluated the technology acceptance level of the proposed collaboration gamification framework based on the cultural principle "Silaturrahmi" and intelligent system (ISb-GM). This study uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) to evaluate user acceptance of the ISb-GM framework by adding four attributes from the collaboration's parameter. 36 hypotheses are formulated with a sample of 293 respondents. Proving the hypothesis resulted in 29 hypotheses being accepted, while seven were rejected. These results suggest that the proposed framework is generally accepted. In comparison, the rejected hypothesis informs that technology needs to be applied more extended and continuously so that users can learn more about it and feel the benefits. This research has two implications. Firstly, SME developers can consider and implement this proposed framework in their communities to improve collaboration performance. Second, gamification technology developers can consider and improvise proposed gamification mechanics to develop collaboration mechanics for various fields.

Keywords – collaboration gamification, intelligent system, Silaturrahmi culture, TAM.


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